In his column in the independant dutchBeermagazine in the spring of 2020, one of the welknown dutch beer promoters Henri Reuchlin write about the Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur. He writes that in the short periode of existing, only three years, the wbsite gives a huge amount of information about the dutch beerscen. On teh website you'll find information off alle the active dutch breweries. But also about the closed breweries because the website wants to show an hostoric view on the beerscene in the Netherlands. There is a map where you can choose between open and closed breweries, between contractbreweries and breweries with there own brewery, breweries by provence and more. Although the website is only in dutch i can guarantee there's a lot of information available for those who don't uderstand the dutch language. My tip: the map with all the breweries where you even can filter on a year.
It's great to be appriciated for all of the work we do te keep the site up to date. I became the secretary of this foundation beacause of the fact i had a lot of info about dutch breweries allready on my website and because of the fact that i'm specialized in the beerhistory of my homeprovince Groningen. I hope you will enjoy the website!.